"When life gives you lemons, bake lemon cupcakes"

"Quand la vie vous donne des citrons, faites cuire les petits gâteaux au citron."

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


I occassionally tutor biology. I can't think of a yummier way to learn the stages of mitosis! Between the cakes and this here song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODwt6OdN-8Y you'll never forget what keeps us alive!

.............as a side note though... I do have a comment on the song, some of the wording is debatable. DNA replicates in S during interphase, so I think they meant divides, and not replicates, in mitosis. But! All is well. I'll still sing the song all day long!

I showed some of my lab-mates these guys and I have been dubbed Breanne, the Bakingtist. Eh... doesn't look so good on paper. But of course this is only inspiring other sciencey baking projects.

By the way, my absolute favorite part in making this was the telophase and cytokinesis stages. This was a technique I picked up from making the barnyard cake.

To attach any of the round cakes together, cut a crescent-moon shape into one of the cakes, stick some toothpicks in, and push together. I am really quite impressed with how well they held together, especially after frosting.

I remain a major fan of the word cytokinesis.

Have a great day!

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